6 Week 5K Training!

There’s exactly 6 more weeks till the Ajvar 5K Run and Walk. If you already run/exercise (semi)regularly you will have no trouble completing the race. But for those who don’t run and are not sure whether or not they can run a 5K race, do not worry; you have plenty of time to get ready to finish your first 5K! The best part is that following the Ajvar 5K 6-week training regimen will only take roughly a half an hour per day to get you there. After reviewing many 5K training plans we chose this one as the most appropriate for a total beginner. Have a good run and see you at the Ajvar 5K race!

Mon Run 1 min, walk 1 min. Do 10 times
Tue Run 1 min, walk 1 min. Do 10 times
Wed Run 1 min, walk 1 min. Do 10 times
Thu Run 2 mins, walk 2 mins. Do 5 times
Fri Run 2 mins, walk 2 mins. Do 5 times
Sat Run 2 mins, walk 2 mins. Do 5 times
Sun Rest

Mon Run 3 mins, walk 3 mins. Do 4 times 

Tue Run 3 mins, walk 3 mins. Do 4 times 

Wed Run 3 mins, walk 3 mins. Do 4 times 

Thu Run 5 mins, walk 3 mins. Do 4 times 

Fri Run 5 mins, walk 3 mins. Do 4 times 

Sat Run 5 mins, walk 3 mins. Do 3 times

Sun Rest


Mon Run 7 mins, walk 2 mins. Do 3 times 

Tue Run 7 mins, walk 2 mins. Do 3 times 

Wed Run 7 mins, walk 2 mins. Do 3 times 

Thu Run 8 mins, walk 2 mins. Do 3 times 

Fri Run 8 mins, walk 2 mins. Do 3 times 

Sat Run 8 mins, walk 2 mins. Do 3 times 

Sun Rest

Mon Run 8 mins, walk 2 mins. Do 3 times 

Tue Run 8 mins, walk 2 mins. Do 3 times 

Wed Run 8 mins, walk 2 mins. Do 3 times 

Thu Run 10 mins, walk 2 mins. Do twice then run for 5 mins 

Fri Run 10 mins, walk 2 mins. Do twice then run for 5 mins 

Sat Run 10 mins, walk 2 mins. Do twice then run for 5 mins 

Sun Rest


Mon Run 9 mins, walk 1 min. Do 3 times 

Tue Run 9 mins, walk 1 min. Do 3 times 

Wed Run 9 mins, walk 1 min. Do 3 times 

Thu Run 12 mins, walk 2 mins. Do twice then run for 5 mins 

Fri Run 12 mins, walk 2 mins. Do twice then run for 5 mins 

Sat Run 12 mins, walk 2 mins. Do twice then run for 5 mins 

Sun Rest


Mon Run 15 mins, walk 1 min. Do twice 

Tue Run 15 mins, walk 1 min. Do twice 

Wed Run 15 mins, walk 1 min. Do twice 

Thu Run 15 mins, walk 1 min. Do twice 

Fri Rest  Sat Run 15 mins, walk 1 min. Do twice 

Sat Run 15 mins, walk 1 min. Do twice 

Sun 5K Race!

On race day: You will probably find that you can run at least 20 minutes before you need a break, but whatever your plan, start slowly, and don’t wait until you are exhausted before taking some one-minute walk breaks.